Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tutu Tuesday: 01-24-2012

This week for Tutu Tuesday my daughter made painted hand print tutus.

We used acrylic paints and computer paper, or you could use card stock. I traced the outline of a leotard and painted it in for her. Older kids could do this on their own. You can also cut out a leotard from colored card stock if you choose.

Then came the fun part! I put acrylic paints on paper plates so she can easily flatten out her hand in the paint. Next she makes hand prints where the tutu would go. It's easiest to have the picture upside down for this part so the painter doesn't have to turn their small wrist around backwards.

Let me know how your tutus turn out! I'd love to hear from you! Happy Tutu Tuesday! K.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Today's Project: Toddler Pretend Stove

DIY Pretend Play Cooktop from Recyclables | Frugal Family Fun Blog

I'm going to make mine a little different, with the diaper boxes I have on hand. I'll post pictures of my finished project as soon as I'm done! K.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK Jr. Day

Have a great holiday today! We'll be doing as much as we can with our daughter: Painting, water beads, Hot Wheels, sensory bin, trains! K.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tip Of The Day: 1-15-2012

When kids are just learning to use crayons in late infancy or early toddlerhood try giving them a blank piece of paper or coloring page that is taped down. We taped ours to the kitchen floor for the day because the crayons cleaned up easily from the floor, but you can could use any surface you don't mind putting tape onto. (I don't suggest the wall tho!) This technique helps your child to master the art of only coloring, leave the paper folding and tearing for baby's first Christmas. K.

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